- DVD cloner never recognizes my DVD when inserted in the drive. The DVD player launches like it is supposed to and the drive letter for the DVD drive shows up in the iPod-Cloner drop down list but always says "No Movie".
- Does iPod-Cloner support Double Layer DVD's? If so please tell me what I have to do to have the files converted.
- Does this program support Double Layer DVD's? If so please tell me what I have to do to have the files converted.
- I've finished making the program, but it is only 60MB.
- What do I do if I want to convert DVD movies to iPod Touch/iPhone?
- I converted a movie to MPEG 4 and downloaded to my iPod Video. Video works well, but the audio is out of sync with the video.
- Is there a free trial to this software ?
- Can the software convert original DVD with protection? or do I have to copy the original DVD first and use the copied DVD to convert?
- Can I try the trial version before I make a purchase?
- I recently downloaded the trial version of iPod-Cloner and converted a DVD, but the audio was out of sync.
- I'm getting an error that says "Can not decode" when I try to start converting a movie.
- Does iPod-Cloner also move audiobooks and music from an external hard disk direct to the iPod, cause if it does I will worship at your shrine
- It cannot transfer video from computer to iPhone.
- I am trying to convert my movies with DVD-TO-IPOD, but it is giving me an error "Cannot read IFO file!"
- How to use the key file to register Fleximage Converter for iPod?
- Is the iPod converter compatible with iPod touch?
- When I copy a DVD, the play back is messed up. When a person speaks, their voice is not synced with the movement of their mouth.
- When I entered the registration information, a message popped up and said invalid registration code, what should I do?
- I just bought the dvd to iPod and it says to hit the register button - but I don't see one anywhere on the web site. Where exactly is it?
- I can't register Fleximage Converter for iPod with the registration information in a regular way, what should I do?
- The problem I am having is when I start the conversion process a error message from microsoft pops up and says it has encountered an error and must close.
- During the playing back, it plays audio for a few seconds, cuts out, skips and picks back up.
- How high and how wide do I set to the output files?
- I have tried twice to convert and transfer the video file to my iPod. Both times the file transfers and the movie is available on my iPod, but all my other 8500 songs, 3 videos, and 50 music videos are in my iPod but inaccessible?
- I tried to import a DVD of a TV show but it only put the first episode on. Is there a way to do the whole disc?
- I installed the download and everything seems to work but when I try to process a movie or even preview I get no picture or sound.
- When I watch movies on my iPod, I can't forward or return scene by scene.
- Will there be any image difference between the output video and the original?
- Program ran once successfully. Now when I run it, it only runs for 1 minute and transfers only about 30 seconds of movie to mp4.
- The movies I am converting to iPod from DVD the audio does not match the video. Its like watching an old Kung-Fu Theater movie.
- What's the difference between H.264, Xvid and MPEG-4? Are they supported by iPod?
- Can I try the trial version before I make a purchase?
- Once the converting starts, it takes about 30 seconds to convert and when I check the movie it's only 30 seconds of the beginning.
- I am sure I entered the right registration information, but I still can't register the software, what should I do?
- iPod-Cloner says there is no disc loaded, but DVD-Cloner sees the disc and will clone it.
- Can iPod-Cloner convert protected DVDs to MP4?
- How do I convert DVD's that contain multiple episodes?
- What is the best way to do a disc with multiple episodes on one disc (TV shows)? Only the first one copied.
- How to transport the output files to my iPod?
- How long does it take to convert a DVD movie?
- iPod-Cloner says there is no disc loaded, but DVD-Cloner sees the disc and will clone it.